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Micro MacroPaintings

For this art project, we were told to pick a painting that already exists and pick one section that we would like to focus on and paint.  I really enjoyed mixing the colours to match the painting because i thought it was interesting to see all the different primary colours and shades involved in making each colour. I found it very challenging to paint using the style that the artist used since it was a lot smoother than my style .which was very dry. In the end, I found this project very interesting as it forced me to take a careful look at the painting and all the colours and shapes that were used.


There were many different poses that I could have chosen for this project because there are so many great things to focus on and learn about. In the end i chose to focus on the man and his arm because I would be able to learn how to paint fabrics and folds which was very hard for me to learn how to do and I would also be able to try and paint the background which has so many colours mixed together which would once again force me to take a longer look at all the colours in the painting in order to copy it. When I looked up my photo online there were many different images of the same painting but each one had different colour schemes. The picture on my phone is a lot more vibrant than the one I found in the book but they were both really nice. I choose to focus on the one in the book because it had a warmer colour scheme which I thought would be nice and comforting to whoever sees my painting.  I don't really know how my painting represents my personality but if I had to make a connection I would make a connection to my warm and comferting personality which is seen through the colour scheme

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